You are magically unique

…A living, breathing force of energy playing inside this body. You’re destined to live in joy and to thrive. Infinite wisdom, creativity, and potential are already a part of you. Others mistook your uniqueness for something wrong. Their voices invalidated you, making you doubt yourself. As a result you started shrinking to live up to all their expectations and make up for the lost trust. Now, even if you know your vision, you may still be paralysed and stuck, held by an embodied memory of fear. The good news is that you can always reconnect and fully own your truth and power to create and play in this world.

We all forget who we really are until we are ready.

This is your journey home to your power; feeling free, safe, and confident loving who you are & creating what you love.

Hi I’m Gosia,

I guide highly sensitive, creative, intuitive, and visionary folks to reintegrate their forgotten abilities into confident, self-loving, authentic selves. 

Yes, it’s possible. How do I know it? Because I had lived in stress and self-pressure for three decades before I claimed my truth which was healing, validating and liberating. And it feels like home. 

In my integrated practice, you’ll learn life-affirming, paradigm-shifting knowledge & mindbody tools to resolve the pain of: overwhelm, insecurity, self-sabotage, people-pleasing, low self-worth, overthinking, perfectionism, anxiety, procrastination, guilt, physical ailments and more.

Most of all, it’s a space to release the inner battles and reconnect with the life forces that support, nourish and hold you safe. Only from this place you can create life and work with joy, peace, and confidence.

  • “When I started the course, I was a tangle of emotions and fears. I am no longer experiencing the symptoms of depression and anxiety, and feeling lost, rather I am positive about the future and my ability to handle life’s challenges. I finally feel I am becoming in control of my life. I have become so much better at expressing my feelings and feel so much more positive about my healing. I will REALLY miss our weekly calls and check ins as I have learnt so much from you.”

    Fiona King

  • “I’d felt so trapped in the label of “Depressive” for so long that I was completely disempowered and responsibility is meaningless without empowerment. The programme showed me how to take my power back. “

    Sarah from London

  • “Really I am convinced that I made it so far because of you! Your words helped me so much and your recommendations were a blessing for me and I am still thankful for your help!!!”

    Denise K.

  • "Gosia, I couldn't have done it without your gentle and amazing guidance. So many steps were illuminated to me in the dark. Very grateful for these massive shifts & feeling incredibly positive that 2021 will be the year I fully rekindle the bond with my body."

    Irena K.

  • "I realised I needed to let go, or forgive, and it has been the most powerful lesson in my life – I now believe it’s one of the reasons I came here: to learn to forgive. I am still learning more lessons around it now and it is setting me free – also forgiving myself. I also think that encouragement and inspiration I received in terms of putting aside my wounded masculine and giving space to the divine feminine in my life has been transformational."

    Sarah N.

  • “I have been waking up more rested and with more energy! Its been a few years since I've slept so well. Feeling the integration of your teachings and practices going to deeper levels. I get so many wonderful insights when I meditate. That has NEVER happened before, I was so antsy and distracted before.”

    Jody Gibbs

  • “I’m slowing down and keeping things simple. Not stressing about "am I doing too much or too little?" I'm just letting everything flow. Sleeping better and have much more energy! Bringing more joy in...Also saying NO to someone that I would usually say YES to, because I wouldn't want to hurt there feelings.”

    Jo Jo

  • "I was able to go through a really big breakthrough that helped me heal, emotionally and physically. I was also able to see my energy change during those three months. I felt changed."

    Pamela D.

  • “I really feel like I'm starting to notice significant changes in myself. I'm finding that each small shift or success is building on the next to give me more and more belief that the process is really working for me. I'm actually starting to believe that I can get fully well! I've done several other programs and coaching before, but Gosia's is by far the most comprehensive and the most effective.”

    Lucy Springall

  • “Hope and belief are so important. I can tell you from experience that Gosia Poraj will not give up on you! She believes that humans have an innate ability to heal. Even after years or many dismissive people. I was starting to lose that belief. Thank you for restoring my faith in healing just in time so helpful working with you!!”

    Katherine Radakovich

  • "Going into the programme with Gosia was such an amazing experience. It was life changing. My symptoms have gone down tremendously. And my sensitivity has gone better. My self esteem improved and I'm able to do many more things than I was able to do before."

    Audrey Chapman